Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday Tales

Quiet day at home by myself for most of the day. MM went to her mom's so I just slept all over the house, and played with some toys. My uncle, MM's brother, made me a new scratching post that is really cool so I broke that in a little too.

MM has been reading Cat Fancy and getting some ideas about my diet. She has been trying some new 'healthier' foods, and we discovered that I kinda' like chicken (at least for a while). Mostly I have only wanted fish stuff but guess trying new things is ok, too.


Anonymous said...

You have a new scratching post? You're one lucky kitty!!!
p.s. Does your Mom do that Facebook thingie?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Chicken it great!

Chrissie said...

Chick-hen is yummy and so is turkey! And sparrow, and hummingbird, and blue-jay..Grackles taste gross, tho'.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, silly us...we were behind in visiting and just asked if someone made your snazzy scratcher...now we find out who...