Yesterday we had a little snow, but this morning we woke up to a lot of snow and not much visibility. MM tried to get me to go out in it but I told her "no thanks". Tested it yesterday and was not to thrilled with the cold on my footsies. Guess it is pretty to look at but SOOO cold.
Gaaaahhhhhh! It's only October 8th!!!!
We'll cross our paws that it's gone now!
You already have snow? It sure is a pretty one. Hugs and nose kisses
WOW! We can see snow on Mt Charleston (Las Vegas)...but that's at 12,000 feet! You guys must be pretty high up. Oh, and Mommy says you can have it...she is so rude, hee hee!
Snow! we are still having upper 80's and 90's!
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