I got "boarded" and sure didn't like it! And I told my captors about it too...hissed at them frequently to make sure they knew how I felt. Luckily MM and MD came home from their trip early although I wasn't all that sure they would ever come back! Hmpf!! But once we got home and I checked everything out to make sure all my special places were still here then I felt much better. MM and I have been cuddling a lot, but I still have to make sure she is in the house. Guess I'll forgive them this time but next year I GO WITH THEM!!!
I think you should go with them,too, Emmy. Unless there are bears where they go. You don't want to go where there are bears.
We like your prison picture! You should go with them next year
That is a good plan to go with them next time.
What nerve! You should consider having a house trashing party:) Hee Hee
I agree with Tristan and Crikey...house trashing party at your place!!
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